4 Ways How to Combat Creative Block and Move Ahead in Life
Creativity is an inbred trait. It is not something that develops overnight. If you’re a creative person, you’re a creative person. It’s not like a skill that you may have to develop over the course of time.
However, there are times when even the most focused mind may end up feeling jet-lagged.
I recently started writing a copy for a client and I realized that I was unable to give what the client expected. I rattled my brain to the extent that I could churn out every single drop of creativeness that I could give the document. But apparently, there wasn’t anything solid coming out of all the efforts I put in. I realized that I am experiencing what we term as the creativity block. And this compelled me to go explore a little on my own. I wanted answers to my problem. I wanted to learn how I can break the habit. And I learned a few important things which I thought I should share with you all too.
Creativity block is a real thing and if you are experiencing one, how about you take precautionary measures to avoid them. Here are 8 ways how we block our creativity and here’s how to unblock it.
I Don’t Feel Like An Expert Today
One of the reasons why you can unblock your mind and let your creative juices flow is because you feel like you are not the expert in your field. By accepting the fact that we do not feel like an expert today pushes us into the corner and we start questioning everything in life. We are unable to find our creative sparks which lead us to believe that we are not ready for now and we may want to learn more.
See, here’s the thing, learning is not bad and there are times when we may feel that we are not ready. But when that feeling settles in, we need to learn how to shake it off. Don’t feel like an expert today, don’t worry, not even Shakespeare or Leonardo Da Vinci did on some of the days. So what did they do? Did they give up on doing what they were supposed to do? No, but they kept on going, tried harder.
Not Feeling Like Believing in One’s Self
There are so many times that we come across individuals who are really talented but they are always running the show from the sidelines. When you ask them, you realize that they don’t have a knack to put themselves on the frontline. Take for example the profession of teaching; ask a new teacher how they may have felt when they first visited their classrooms. Although, they are an expert in their subject but when it comes to delivering dialogues, they often find themselves at a setback.
If you are feeling like it’s one of your worst days and you’re too nervous to perform, confirm with yourself that you deserve it. Stand in front of the mirror and do some self talk, let yourself know that you have it in you and when it comes to completing tasks, you’re always ready to give your best. Involve creative tactics, incorporate new methods, etc. For example, if you’re a teacher you can start by using different models. You can engage students with hands-on activities or use new teaching methods. You can tell them a story so they stay hooked with what you have to educate them.
Finding Yourself in the Analysis Paralysis
When you strive to become a perfectionist, it can greatly hurt your creativity.
You find yourself growing thin by assuming that something isn’t right and you get stuck in the analysis paralysis. But in all honesty, all of these standards which we create for perfectionism are normally based on our own self belief. We often find ourselves not equating or meeting up with the standards as we expect them to be. We activate self-limitations and become the hindrance in our own progressions. As a result, we never take any real actions and we often find ourselves struggling through the simplest of things in life. To accept our imperfections and find a way to grow above that is what makes us all special. So if you ever find yourself stuck in the analysis paralysis, then don’t wait.
Shake the feeling off and get back on the horse and enter the race again.
Do You Fear Failure?
In case, you feel insecure or have fears surrounding failure, then don’t let it cloud your creativity.
We live in a society where everyone judges our capability to handle things effectively. When we do something, we don’t want to fail because we don’t want to look bad. Therefore, we do everything we can to become successful and we find ourselves stuck in the constant strive for having a better life. It is somewhat deeply programmed within our personalities. As a result, we get this inbred dreadful feeling that what’s going to happen just in case we fail. Here’s a feeling that we want to brush off. We need to understand that failure is a part of the process and without failing we are not going to learn how to do better. So once in a while, failing is good as it helps us to find our motivation and strive for the better. If you’re failing at something, then don’t feel heavy on the heart but instead work hard.
Keep trying until you polish yourself up and reach the highest levels of successes.
These failures will eventually become your stepping stones to learning how something actually works.
So there you go, here are 4 ways how you can move yourself outside the non-creative block. If you ever feel that you’re trapped in a situation where you may experience a creativity setback, then don’t worry, What I have shared above are a few ways how you can move out of your creative block.